Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, July 19, 2008

We saw a heartbeat today!

What is it with me and blood clots??? We had a scary night last night... rather de ja vu like, with me deciding to bleed like crazy. My OB brought me in for an ultrasound this morning to see what was going on. I'd been spotting since the pregnancy test on the 3rd, but everyone assured me that was normal. Well, what do we see first on the ultrasound? A huge blood clot which was the source of all my problems! We also saw 3 sacs though. One was empty, one was progressing nicely and already showing a beating heart, and the third was too small to tell at this point. It has a chance of making it, but will need to fight hard to catch up to where it needs to be. So, after lots of drama yesterday, I now know what's going on and will not be so freaked out if it happens again. I've been put on light duty for a while, and we'll go back next Monday afternoon to see how things are progressing.