Sorry I've been quiet lately... a lot has been going on. Masarra's water broke Saturday morning, May 22nd, but I thought I was just peeing on myself. I noticed a trickle down my legs at 2:45 and 4:45 in the am when I got up to pee. After that, it stopped, so I didn't think anything of it. My parents got in Saturday night around midnight... they volunteered for a later flight in to get free tix to come back and see us all. Thankfully they volunteered for the late Saturdy flight instead of the early Sunday am option, because Sunday morning I started "peeing" on myself again. I laid down for half an hour to see if I leaked when I stood up, and sure enough, when I got up at 5:15 am after peeing at 4:45, I leaked again... too fast for it to be urine. So, I woke Sami up and told him my water had broken. I've never seen him jump out of bed so fast in my life! lol Anyway, we drove to the hospital... left my parents asleep upstairs... and I didn't even call my OB. I figured we'd get confirmation that it was my amniotic fluid first before bothering my OB 2 Sunday's in a row! lol Sure enough, it was amniotic fluid and a little over 2 hours after arriving at the hospital at 6:00 am, little miss Masarra decided to make her grand entrance at 8:08 am weighing in at 5 lbs 8 oz. She is adorable if I do say so myself.
1 comments on "We did it!"
Many, many congratulations! You did it! Enjoy this special time and praise God for this miracle! Jbeacham
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