Today marks a major milestone - we've reached 23 weeks without going into labor!! We are one week away from the beginnings of the viability spectrum and Masarra is holding on tight. She's been incredibly active this week. Perhaps she knows Mama needs a little extra reassurance that all is well. :)
Sami and I were pleased to get a relatively good report from the doctors this week. My cervix declined about 1/4 of a centimeter instead of the more than 1 centimeter a week that I was losing. Looks like all of this bed rest is paying off! Now if I can only manage to endure 13 more weeks of it w/o being admitted to the hospital. I really hope I can, because this week has taught me an important lesson: Bed rest is VERY difficult if you don't have TIVO! Seriously, I have nearly wiped out my TIVO library. Thankfully neighbors and friends have given me DVDs to watch. I mean, I like the Olympics and all, but I must confess that I am not as in to them this year and most of my staple programming is in rerun during the Olympics. :(
I never thought I was a supersticious person before the start of our fertility journey, but boy am I now! I made Sami help me pack a bag for the hospital this past Monday with the exact thought that if I didn't, they'd tell me I had to be admitted. So, now that bag is stitting next to the bed ready for a return trip to the doctor on Monday. Hope it still has some magic left for Monday.
So, how have I passed my time, besides watching TV that is? I've played Facebook games, solitaire and pinball till I'm blue in the face. Today, I decided to close my eyes and imagine that Sami and I got to go to Texas Roadhouse for dinner tonight. I was enjoying my imaginary yeast roll until Sami covered my nose and mouth so that I couldn't breath to snap me out of it. Yep... I'm going crazy folks! I'm sooooo excited for Monday so that I can get out of the house for another horizontal car ride... only this Monday I get 2. I have an endocrinologist appointment for the gestational diabetes checkup and then an afternoon appointment to see how things are going with my cervix. Yeay! Fieldtrips! lol
I really thought yesterday would have been a rough day for me since that was the day that I went into labor last time. However, I had a prenatal massage on Wednesday and did a session of bodytalk (similar effects as meditation) where I concentrated on convincing myself that it is possible for my body to go to 36 weeks with this pregnancy. I honestly alternate day to day as to how much I truly believe that. But yesterday I did, so that is all that mattered. It helped me make it through the day. I was not, however, able to watch one of my favorite shows, Private Practice. Seriously, could they have picked a better day to show a woman struggling with what to do for her 25 week preemie?! I wonder about Shonda Rimes sometimes. Right after we lost Solomon to NEC, she happened to have a young boy on Grey's Anatomy suffering from Short Bowel Syndrome... which Solomon would have been at risk for had he survived. I didn't even TIVO Private Practice last night. I figured by the time I can handle that epidsode, it will be in reruns anyway.
So, it's time for another action packed weekend of lying in bed doing nothing! Jealous, aren't ya!? lol
1 comments on "A major milesone!"
Tracy, I do love you so. As I read this, I imagined you lying in your bed on your laptop with remote in hand, and it made me tear up. I am so proud of you and Sami, and while I have no way of knowing what you are dealing with, you do offer me a window into your life and struggles. I think about you on a daily basis (which is a lot more than most of our family gets) and I'm praying so very hard for you and Sami and Masarra. And if nothing else, during your next body talk remind yourself that Maggie Francis will be due around the beginning of May as well, and as many birthdays as our family has, the closer they are together ensures having a double party for them once they hit that 8 year old mark! :D Love ya cuz, keep me posted on how things are going!!
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