Let me start by saying I am exhausted!!! I didn't get much sleep last night. First, I had bad heartburn from the pizza I had while watching the superbowl. Then, when I wanted to go to sleep I got this horrible pelvic pressure that would not stop for like an hour or more. By then, I was terrified to go to sleep. I knew I had an early am OB appt, so I didn't call since I wasn't feeling contractions. Today, we learned that my funneling is worse and my cervix is now 3.4 to 3.8 (OB vs Peri measurements a few hours apart) with 1.5 to 2 above the stitch. Ideally, you want your cervix to be 4cm long at this point until week 24 when it naturally starts to shorten. I was admitted for a while for contraction monitoring, but didn't have any noticeable contractions, so my docs got together and decided that if I stay on strict bedrest, I can spend the next week at home. So, here I am, back where I was last pregnancy, but at least this time I have a cerclage. All my faith is now in that tiny little stitch. And, this just goes to show that my cervix really is incompetent and that I REALLY needed that cerclage back in December. I think my Peri was beginning to question whether or not my cervix was wacky since things had been going so well. It's amazing how fast the decline was this time. It wasn't even this bad last time with twins in there.
Apparently I am a legend in L&D. When I checked in today everyone was all smiles asking if I remembered them (we stayed quite a while last time and I had a pretty nasty infection after delivery). Several things surprised me. My nurse today was my nurse the day I delivered, and she remembered me immediately. She said she's never been angrier in her life than she was with my old Peri the day I delivered. (He was very cold and to the point in saying "Baby B didn't make it." followed by a swift exit from my room and life... yes, I would have never seen him again if I hadn't sought him out). Apparently all the nurses know about it and were shocked by his behaviour... all this time I thought it was just me. lol Sounded like he's been blacklisted by more than just Sami and I. Everyone was thrilled that we are pregnant again and have made it this far. I feel like I have such a huge stand full of cheerleaders for us. While I'm scared by the rate of change in my cervical length (apparently they are concerned with anything over a .5cm change per week) I am placing my full trust in that handy dandy cerclage.
Please, continue to keep us in your prayers. We appreciate all that you've done for us to date and pray that we can carry this little bundle of joy until she's had enough time to come out with a fighting chance.
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