Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, January 24, 2008

January 24, 2008

Hope you all are doing well. My bronchitis is recovering nicely thankfully. I actually slept through the night last night which is a first since I've been pregnant. Whooo Hooooo. Why do I still feel tired then? LOL
We go for our first Dr visit next week. Can't wait to see how baby Khoury is doing!
We are expecting our first winter storm of the season tonight. I hope it blows over, because I have a lot of driving to do for work tomorrow. :) If it's icy, my but will be staying warm in Casa de Khoury.
Have y'all figured out where you are going to spend your taxes yet? It's looking like ours will go to paying 2007's tax bill... go figure. :)
Stay warm out there!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I’ve got bronchitis and it sucks!!!!!

Seriously though! Enough with this shit. I went to the hospital today becuase I'm not getting any better (urgent care is located there). They said, yeah you have bronchitis, and you need to quit smoking... uh, duh! I don't smoke. Guess my cough sounds like a smokers cough. LOL I bet I was asked about smoking 5 times before I left. They gave me a z pack though, because they don't want to mess around with me being preggers and all. And the lady was kind enough to point out that I was there this very same day last year due to food poisoning. Okay, I seriously hate January 20th now. 2 years in a row???
So, it's bed rest for me for a while. I've been in bed for 2 days now anyway. At least its a holiday weekend for me so I won't have to miss work Monday. I just hope I'm better in time to fly on Wednesday since I have to go to Oklahoma City.
And can someone please kick New England's ass? I am so tired of watching them win win win... boring. I'm ready for someone to take them down a peg or two. Maybe NY will be the team. I guess I'll be watching the game alone this year though because after our dr appt on the 31st, Sami is jetting off to Vegas. I wish I could go, but Vegas is no place for a pregnant lady. Sami will just have to win me tons of money to make up for leaving me here all alone.