Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I’ve got bronchitis and it sucks!!!!!

Seriously though! Enough with this shit. I went to the hospital today becuase I'm not getting any better (urgent care is located there). They said, yeah you have bronchitis, and you need to quit smoking... uh, duh! I don't smoke. Guess my cough sounds like a smokers cough. LOL I bet I was asked about smoking 5 times before I left. They gave me a z pack though, because they don't want to mess around with me being preggers and all. And the lady was kind enough to point out that I was there this very same day last year due to food poisoning. Okay, I seriously hate January 20th now. 2 years in a row???
So, it's bed rest for me for a while. I've been in bed for 2 days now anyway. At least its a holiday weekend for me so I won't have to miss work Monday. I just hope I'm better in time to fly on Wednesday since I have to go to Oklahoma City.
And can someone please kick New England's ass? I am so tired of watching them win win win... boring. I'm ready for someone to take them down a peg or two. Maybe NY will be the team. I guess I'll be watching the game alone this year though because after our dr appt on the 31st, Sami is jetting off to Vegas. I wish I could go, but Vegas is no place for a pregnant lady. Sami will just have to win me tons of money to make up for leaving me here all alone.

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