Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ugh... let the night sweats begin!

My poor poor hubby! Every time I go through IVF and I make it past the ET, he gets stuck needing to sleep in flannel pajamas because his wife sweats like a pig even when it's 60 degrees in the house! Last night was our first such night with this round of treatment. It's fall weather here in Little Elm... it's frickin gorgeous! I went to bed last night feeling cold but with the window up because it felt sooo good. I also had the ceiling fan on. It didn't matter.... I awoke in a pool of sweat at midnight. And again at 3 am... and then 5 am.... and then 7... you get the picture. The midnight episode was the worst. I had to throw my body pillow off the bed because it felt like it had been dunked in a pool. UGH! If my last two pregnancies were any indication, it's not going to get any better... I read today that taking cold showers before bed can help... I think I'll try that tonight because I am just the desperate!

I've been visiting all my message boards for fertility today and have determined that Tuesday morning is the earliest I could possible get a + on a HPT. I was out at the DollarTree today and picked up a few more tests just in case. I start to go a little crazy with the POASing when it's time to potentially see a positive. I really feel like it's worked this time. I've had the tell tell pains in my sides, ever so mild cramping, and the blood sugar spike that usually accompanies my earliest stage of pregnancy. Either I'm pregnant, or my mind's playing tricks on me. Either way, it's too soon to tell. So, for now, I'm just twiddling my thumbs till POAS Tuesday! :)

Sticky vibes and baby dust to all!

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