Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, November 21, 2008

Solomon had a good night!

I just took a walk down to NICU - still not able to visit the little guy because my fever won't go away - but I got an update. He slept well through the night since they put him on his tummy and gave him a tiny tiny bit of sedative. His sugars were an issue again last night, but not like they have been - yesterday they would swing wildly from 34 to 200. I am told that 40ish is normal for an infant his age. Today, they are going as far down, jut getting a little too high at times. This is normal for for a preemie at his gestation though.
I want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I know I've been unavailable a lot as I've tried to fight this infection that was passed to me during the events of last week. I was told it could have been life threatening if we'd waited another day to deliver - both for Solomon as well as myself. I told Mama that I must hve pikced up some kind of exotic bug or something that no one's ever heard of which is why I can't seem to kick the infection no matter how many antibiotics I take. :)
Finally, a lot of people have asked about sending flowers for Rafe's burial. We would much more appreciate, and think Rafe would have agreed, donations to the March of Dimes in his honor.

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