Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I'm breathing more on my own today!

We spent several hours with the little guy today and noticed that he's doing better and better every day. Today he had his number of forced (vent fed) breaths cut down to 25 and he really stepped up his game and did a lot more breathing on his own. His doctor was so pleased that he finally mentioned the C word - CPAP. Graduation to a CPAP is a big thing for a NICU parent. :) And I can see it in the no too distant future. For now, he needs to keep up the breathing on his own and work on maintaining his oxygen saturation levels. He's very good and the de-sat, hi-sat game right now...
Solomon's little butt is getting better too now that mom's eating a more bland diet. He said thank you, trust me. :) He's up to 23ml per feed now and his fortifier has been added back in to bring the calories up to 22. The doctor mentioned tonight that they'll probably raise it to 24 soon. He's gotta keep gaining weight so we'll do whatever we have to in order to help.
I drove for the first time today in 6 weeks and lived to tell the story. I'll be going back to work on the's coming fast too! I go to the doctor for my wound care on Monday and hope to get good news.
Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers!
Love,Sami, Tracy and Solomon

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