Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, December 14, 2008

We are back at 2lbs 2.6 oz... he's been a superman today!

I spent the day with my son today, and it was wonderful. He is very responsive to the voices of his parents as evidenced by his awesome breathing today when Mommy and Daddy were telling and reading him stories. His doctor even suggested that Sami and I record ourselves reading to him so that the nurses can play it for him when we are not around. Solomon has excelled in the GI arena as well - the boy can fill a diaper! And whoever said that breastmilk diapers don't stink lied! When they started adding calories to my milk this week to supplement his nutrition, he became an expert at stinking up the joint. We are no longer in doubt as to when he needs changing. :)
Solmon as I said is doing much better in the breathing department. The good doctors are tweaking his vent settings to ensure that he comes off the vent as smoothly as possible, but it still may take many weeks. I was told by his Grandma this evening that when his cousin Braydon saw his pics for the first time, he just wanted to know if Solomon was wearing a Superman mask on his face....from the mouths of babes! Now I smile when I see the vent tubes connected to his face instead of always thinking about how soon we can get rid of them!
Tuesday I turn 30 and Solomon hits the 4 week, 28 week CGA mark. It's a big week for us both, and I am definitely looking forward to spending it with him.
Thank you as always, for your messages, kindness and prayers!
Sami, Tracy and Solomon

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